Consultancy Services
Structural Design

Structural Design of a building requires your building category, whatever it is industrial, residential, and commercial, storage, academic, hospital etc. We consider the type of building, then calculate all the dead loads, live loads, wind loads and earth quake loads and any other types of loads. Then we design your building with the help of modern computer aided software’s.
Electrical Design

Electrical Design includes electrical load calculation according to uses of your building and to design a safe electrical design of your building. It includes cable sizes, circuit breaker sizes, single line diagram, wiring suggestion etc of your building.
Plumbing Design

To build a building in a proper way plumbing and sanitation design is most important for supply of water and disposal of soils. Our engineering team will design your plumbing and sanitation system and guide you to build your building.

HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) is the technology of indoor and vehicular environmental comfort. HVAC is important in the design of medium to large industrial and office buildings such as skyscrapers, where safe and healthy building conditions are regulated with respect to temperature and humidity. For healthy environment at your work place, you need HVAC design of your buildings. We provide you the most competitive solutions for your building.
Fire Safety System

Now a day’s Fire Safety System is a vulnerable issue for any type of building. So, every project, whether it is residential or industrial or any other type, it is required to design Fire Safety System. We design Fire Safety System to protect your building from fire.
Architectural Design

Architectural Design is a concept of planning & designing on a land based on architectural knowledge and history. We have a sound team which deals with Architectural Design. We provide complete Architectural Design with three dimensional view of your exterior and interior solution.